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We are a Mission!

Writer's picture: Liz GrayLiz Gray

In a week which is set aside for gratitude we have so much to be thankful for - not least that this past weekend our worshipping community was elected as a “Mission’ of our diocese. So what is that all about?

As in many things, Incarnation began as a ‘twinkle’ …an invitation from God for us to get involved in extending his Kingdom in South Arlington by planting a worshipping, Anglican community in 22204. From January 2017 (when Liz said YES) to Summer 2018 we were in this ‘gestation’ period: thinking, praying, planning, drawing together a team…

Summer 2018, we began to worship at the Grays' home, and Incarnation was recognised by the Diocese as a ‘mission fellowship’: a group which intends to form a church. Incarnation was born and beginning to breathe and feed on its own!

Having begun public worship and fulfilling some other organisational criteria we were then able to ask the Diocese to recognise us as a Mission at Synod last week. You can read about all the other things that were also discussed at Synod here. It was a delightful time and we had the opportunity to share some of what we’ve been up to - and - hoorah! - Synod voted to welcome us as a Mission. This is kind of like being a teenager… you’re on your way to making some adult decisions, you’re learning to budget and cook - perhaps even doing your own laundry :) and you're trying things out, working out who you are and gradually coming to find your strengths and passions.

Our next hurdle to being a fully-fledged adult church is to become a congregation. (If you want to know more details, here are the canons of our Diocese … p21 has all the nuts and bolts.) We really hope that we might reach that stage by Synod next year … but we have a few things to get in order first!

So as you pause this week and are thankful for so many good things in your life - take some time to be thankful for the way God is shepherding us as a community, for the many wonderful people he has drawn together to make up this part of His church, for the wise and wonderful leadership of our Servant team, and for Amy, Morgan, Beth and Josie.

I am so grateful for each of you who is reading this blog - for your joyful, enthusiastic, prayerful support.

Thank you for walking with us on this exciting adventure.

Your grateful Vicar,



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Incarnation Anglican Church

Sunday Worship Address:

Drew Elementary School

3500 23rd St South

Arlington, VA 22206

Mailing Address and Church Office:

5401 7th Rd South

Arlington, VA 22204

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