Every week we have met for evening prayer at our (the Grays’) home - parking with kind consideration for our neighbours… skipping up the stairs in the rain (did it rain every Sunday evening? or is that just my memory playing tricks?)
Every week has been full of rich sung worship
Every week a different member of our new little community has led the service
Every week someone else shared a homily on Philippians. (If you haven’t been with us - why not catch up on some of the messages? Most have been posted on the blog and they are all SO good!)
Every week we have prayed for the world, for our neighbors, for each other
Every week (nearly) we have eaten together - lots of rice and beans as we have painted figures for the children’s atrium, or thought about volunteering, or planned our Fall common tables or …just had fun and picnicked together!
Every second week we have shared bread and wine as we have celebrated communion
And now? it is nearly, nearly time to shift gear!
There are just two more evening prayer times (Aug 19, 26) at the Grays (not been yet? You are still MOST welcome!) … and then
Sept 2 we will be commissioned at all three services at Restoration… and then
Sept 9… we will launch!
Will you join us?
Got questions? Ask Liz, liz@incarnationanglican.org