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Letter from Liz: September 14

Writer's picture: Liz GrayLiz Gray

Simon at Ghost Ranch, Abiquiu NM

Dear friends,

Last Sunday, James (the brother of Jesus) and Amy (beloved co-pastor) warned us against favoritism as we studied James 2; this was a solidly, good warning... but, am I allowed a favorite place? Last week Simon and I had the delight of visiting New Mexico for a joint birthday treat and I think Ghost Ranch (where Georgia O'Keefe found inspiration for many years) might be one of my new fav. places on this planet! Do you have a favorite place? Whether because of people? or geography? or memories?

Amy's sermon was so helpful as she reminded us to turn our priorities over for inspection, considering how they aligned with God's viewpoint. So much to ponder and embrace. And even as we consider God's perspective .....

It's vote for vestry time!

O God, our heavenly Father, you manifested your love by sending your only-begotten Son into the world, that all might live through him: Pour out your Spirit on your Church, that we may fulfill his command to preach the Gospel to all people. Send forth laborers into your harvest; defend them in all dangers and temptations; and hasten the time when the fullness of the Gentiles shall be gathered in, and faithful Israel shall be saved; through your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen. (collect 17)

Do you know our current vestry members? I so hope you do as they are perfectly splendid! Every year two members roll off the vestry - and this year Emily Williams and Clayton Clark are completing their 2-year terms (We’ve only had an official vestry for 2 years and so we’re building up to the ‘normal’ 3 yr cycles). Patrick Sahm has recently taken on new work responsibilities and so is also stepping down (to our and, I think, his regret!). Jenni stepped in to complete a year of Eric’s term after his sudden death last year… and so now we have four vacancies to fill. These four people have served us remarkably faithfully and steadily and each one has contributed so much to the team. THANK YOU.

According to our bylaws, Incarnation’s Vestry consists of the Rector of the Church ex officio and 6 lay members, each of whom shall be elected for a term of at least three years. A regular term of office is three years, but may be extended by the combination of partial and regular terms to a maximum of four years. And so, this year, our four vacancies are one for a 1-yr, one 2-yr and two 3-yr places.

Incarnation members are invited to prayerfully vote for up to 4 candidates, mindful that there are many ways to serve in a church and vestry may or may not be the best position for someone to fill at this season! I love the line in the bylaws which says, "Vestry membership should not be considered as an honor for past service but as a commitment for future service"; the challenge for us is that ALL the nominees have served us so well already, and all have multiple gifts. So, pray well, dear friends.

And so, who is on the slate? Read all about our faithful friends here. And then pray. If you are a member you'll be sent a ballot electronically on Sept 19 and you will have a week to complete your selection. You will be able to choose up to 4 people, and we will sort out the terms of each person's service. Note - we have a slate of 5, so one person will NOT join our vestry... but thankfully, I am confident they will be used by God in the extension of his Kingdom in some other way and space: this is a pie of many slices, of which vestry is only one....

In other news:

- Small groups are starting this week - SIGN UP NOW if you haven't done so already. All will be taking COVID precautions. All will allow space for friendship AND accountability. Come, bring your questions and grow in your love for Jesus and (...hopefully...) his church!

- Men - join the 'power hour' group every fortnight on Fridays for prayer and fellowship!

- Parish meeting: please do all you can to be at our next parish meeting on Sept 26 after the service: a family time to hear how our church family is doing!

Got questions? Want to have tea or take a walk? Do reach out to Amy or me - we'd love to take time to be with you!

Your pastor,



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