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Letter from Liz: August 24, 2021

Writer's picture: Liz GrayLiz Gray

Good day, dear friends,

How are things in your part of the world? August has turned out to be filled with so much pain: from the UN report on global warning, to the chaos in Afghanistan, to the repeated disasters in Haiti and more: floods, fires, tornadoes, storms, ... wars and rumours of wars. We live in a world where there is so much distress. It felt helpful to my soul on Sunday to pause and remember that we, as always, live in the thin reality of gratitude for the abundance we have and grief for the pain of the world. It can feel so disempowered to simply sit and watch and pray; but this is work. We give our money and we also give our time, to actually pray. Deeply. With sighs. And sometimes with words.

And there will also be opportunities for physical engagement with the 1000 refugees are due to land in NOVA on Aug 31 - we will find ways to serve them as a church and in our communitities.

One immediate opportunity: Lutheran Social Services need giftcards for the refugees who will arrive on Aug 30. If you would like to contribute bring $20 giftcards to church this Sunday (Aug 29): they are collecting Giant, Target, Simcards, Cellphone or Visa cards.

AND SAVE THE DATE: The week Sept 6-11 we will be setting up and equipping a flat for an Afghan family. Keep Sat Sep 11 free to help! We'll need furniture, home goods, a fridge full of food and more...

Meanwhile, I invite you to stop and look around you. Do you already have a connection with someone who is struggling? When you walk your neighbourhood are you staying alert for places where you could meet a need? Let's always be people who look and see. And then respond. Look out too for Katie's small group on Tuesdays in the Fall - we will be thinking about how to engage our neighbours with good news.

In other news:

- regular Incarnation people: please nominate one or two people for vestry! BEFORE Aug 28!!

- regular Incarnation people: are you confirmed? Let me know if you want to know more! The Bishop is coming on Oct 17...

- regular Incarnation people: where are you being an agent of God's goodness this week? bring your story to our listening time on Sunday!

And meanwhile - want to walk and talk? Drop me a text, WhatsApp or email!

Your pastor,



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