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Letter from Amy: Dec 4, 2024

Writer: Amy RoweAmy Rowe

The Holy Family at Night, workshop of Rembrandt van Rijn, c. 1642-48

Dear Incarnation,

Advent is here. On Sunday, the color switched to purple, the artwork switched to the Magnificat, we lit candles and heard Tom's stirring testimony of light in the darkness, and our scriptures and songs cried out for Jesus to come. In Advent, we remember that God entered into our human vulnerability in the incarnation of Jesus. And so we wait, pray, and hope for his coming in all the places of vulnerability in our world.

One place of vulnerability is among immigrants in our community who are uncertain about how the new administration and its policies will impact them. I'm so grateful for our outreach partners who work in this vulnerable space — Restoration Immigration Legal Aid and Casa Chirilagua — and who remain steadfast in their commitment to justice, protection, and flourishing for our immigrant neighbors. I encourage you to learn more about their work!

Casa Chirilagua is also this year's Advent offering recipient. Casa does amazing work strengthening families and developing local leaders in the Chirilagua neighborhood of Alexandria, which is largely comprised of Central American immigrants. We'll worship on the edge of this neighborhood from December 22 to January 5, when we meet at Beverley Hills United Methodist.

Last week, Russell and I met with Casa's new Executive Director, Hjarman Cordero, for a prayer walk around the Chirilagua neighborhood. We prayed for these neighbors, learned more about their concerns, waved hello to Beverley Hills, and ended our time singing Padre Te Adoro (Father I Adore You) in the Casa office. It was a beautiful time of prayer together.

Hjarman shared that many families in the neighborhood are experiencing deep anxiety and fear about their immigration status in the coming year, and so Casa is working to provide them with accurate information about their rights, on top of its ongoing work of mentoring, tutoring, college prep, English classes, Bible studies, family support and more. I'm grateful for this flexible response to an emerging neighborhood need, and for Casa's many years of faithfulness amongst its Chirilagua neighbors. We are collecting a special offering for Casa throughout the season of Advent; you can give to this Advent offering here.

Thank you for being such a generous church! Thank you also for the many, many coats you donated over the past month to Drew Elementary families in need. These small acts of care for the vulnerable are like those little unfurling leaves I talked about in Sunday's sermon — small but certain signs that the summer of God's reign is coming. Thank you.


I hope you will join us this Saturday at 10am on the Greenbrier lawn (5401 7th Rd S) for a visit from Saint Nicholas (er, Bishop Chris). This beloved, kid-friendly Incarnation tradition is a great opportunity to invite friends and neighbors who might be curious to learn more about the real 4th century bishop behind all the legends — or to meet a real-life bishop out in the wild! We'll hear the story, enjoy crafts and hot drinks around the fire, and have the opportunity for photos and prayer with Saint Nick. Our bishop is SUCH a good sport! I hope to see you there.


Finally, I wanted to share a few favorite Advent offerings from Art & Theology. I listen to this Advent playlist every year to help me enter into the Advent season — remember, we won't sing carols at church until Christmas Eve (well, maybe just a few)! And I always appreciate her 25 Poems for Christmas, in its third installment this year. Enjoy!

Waiting with you,



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Incarnation Anglican Church

Sunday Worship Address:

Drew Elementary School

3500 23rd St South

Arlington, VA 22206

Mailing Address and Church Office:

5401 7th Rd South

Arlington, VA 22204

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