"Sing God a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing! Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea, Take the news of his glory to the lost, News of his wonders to one and all!" Psalm 96:1,3 (The Message)

This Sunday kicks off our second-ever Global Week! Last year's Global Week was entirely online; this year we're so grateful to be able to gather in person as we celebrate God's love for all cultures and peoples. Here's what to expect:
Daily Art & Prayer
Enjoy Christian art from around the world to guide daily prayers. You don't need a social media account to view!
Global Worship Night
Wednesday, May 19, 7-8pm
Gather under the canopies
Come for an outdoor, multi-lingual night of worship and prayer for the needs of the world.
Prayer Walk on the Pike
Saturday, May 22, 10am
Meet under the canopies
Did you know over 80 languages are spoken along Columbia Pike? Come walk our neighborhood and pray blessing on our global neighbors. Not sure how to prayer walk? Check out Liz's helpful prayer walking guidance from last year.
Pentecost Sunday Worship
Sunday, May 23, 11am
We'll celebrate Pentecost in an interactive, kid-led service. The miracle of Pentecost is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh – that means each all of you! Our Pentecost service will celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit for each of us, young and old. Here's how to prepare:
WEAR RED! Red is the traditional Pentecost color, signifying the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Families, stay tuned for an email from Josie inviting your children to help lead the service. Arrive at 10:30am!
Bring a non-English Bible if you have one. During the New Testament reading from Acts 2, everyone is invited to stand and read verses 4-8 together in different languages.
During the sermon time, we will put Pentecost into practice. Microphones will be open at the front and back of the canopies for a guided time of responding to the Holy Spirit together. The first Pentecost was strange, surprising, and probably a little uncomfortable. Our Pentecost Sunday might feel that way too, and that's okay! We want to build a safe space for listening and responding to God as a community. To prepare for the service, please consider these questions:
When have you seen the Holy Spirit move powerfully in the past? Do you have a brief story to share?
Where are you asking the Holy Spirit to move powerfully now? Is there an area of global or personal concern you'd like to share – as a way of inviting Incarnation to carry this burden together?
What do you hear the Holy Spirit saying to the Incarnation community today? Scripture, images, words, phrases for our community are all very welcome.
Pentecost Global "Snackluck"
Sunday, May 23, after the service
We're bringing back the snackluck!!! (What's a snackluck, you ask? Like a potluck, but with handheld snacks that make for COVID-friendly sharing.) Bring a favorite international food to share and plan to linger after the service!
Looking forward to worshiping our global God together!