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May 4-10 is Global Week!

Writer: Amy RoweAmy Rowe

The world is hurting. Muslims around the world began Ramadan this week without the communal meals and mosque prayers at its heart. The poor, unemployed, hungry, and exploited in many countries fear they will not survive a period of prolonged lockdown. Developing nations face devastating economic losses that will take years, even decades, to recover. And meanwhile, ongoing conflicts, floods, famines, and locusts continue their devastation even as COVID-19 rages on.

As Jesus' followers, we are called to remember the needs of our neighbors around the world, to love and serve them, to use our resources generously, and to pray. Incarnation's upcoming first-ever Global Week is an opportunity to do just that.

Certainly, this Global Week will look different than we originally envisioned several months ago (I'm lamenting the loss of a planned "Taco Crawl" along Columbia Pike!), but it will still be a concentrated opportunity to listen to the stories of others and to pray deeply for their needs. Here's what you can expect:

Thursday, May 7: Global Worship Night

Beth will lead us in a time of multilingual worship over zoom.

Thursday, May 7, at 7:30pm. Join worship night here.

"Sing God a brand-new song! Earth and everyone in it, sing!
Shout the news of his victory from sea to sea, Take the news of his glory to the lost, News of his wonders to one and all!"
Psalm 96:1,3, The Message

Friday, May 8: Global Movie Discussion

We'll gather over zoom to discuss Christians in the Mirror, a film featuring stories of faith from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, India, and Egypt. Please watch the movie before gathering! You can stream the film for free on Amazon Prime (Prime subscription required) or Christian Cinema (no subscription required).

Friday, May 8, at 7:30pm. Join movie discussion here.

Saturday, May 9: DIY Prayer Walk

Check out this resource from Liz for a self-guided prayer walk in your own neighborhood. Pray for your neighbors. Pray for the nations. Enjoy God's presence as you listen, observe, and pray.

Saturday, May 9, all day in your own neighborhood!

Sunday, May 10: Global Sunday

We'll welcome a special guest from Southeast Asia (our postulant in Bangkok, Katie Hamlin) to preach the sermon in this global-focused worship service.

Sunday, May 10, at 5pm. Join the service here

All Weekend: Groceries for RILA Clients

We're collecting groceries for asylum-seekers and their families facing food insecurity. These are our global neighbors on our doorstep! Groceries will be collected May 8-10 and distributed by Restoration Immigration Legal Aid during the week of May 11.

Collection May 8-10. Learn more and sign up here to donate groceries (you will receive an email with detailed instructions after signup).

All Week: Daily Global Art and Prayer Prompts

We'll post Christian art from around the world with prompts for focused prayer each day on our Instagram and Facebook. You do not need an Instagram/Facebook account to view!

We will also continue our normal rhythms of weekly prayer, providing another opportunity to remember needs around the world throughout the week. All weekly prayer times and links are available on our virtual worship page.

Thursday, May 21: Global Prayer Night

Okay, so technically this is a few weeks away! But we'll gather on May 21 to pray for Muslims around the world during a spiritually powerful time in Ramadan, when many experience dreams and visions of Jesus.

Thursday, May 21, at 7:30pm. Join global prayer night here

We are excited for this opportunity to turn our attention outward to the needs of the world for a focused time of worship, welcome, and wonder for our global neighbors. We hope you will join us!


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Incarnation Anglican Church

Sunday Worship Address:

Drew Elementary School

3500 23rd St South

Arlington, VA 22206

Mailing Address and Church Office:

5401 7th Rd South

Arlington, VA 22204

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