Incarnation's 2024 vestry (L to R): Kim McKnight, Kaitlin Conway, Grant Sung (Warden), Amy Rowe, Buz Schultz, Will Montague (Warden), and Jared Notezel
It is time for a Vestry election at Incarnation! The Vestry plays a critical role in supporting the rector in the leadership of the church. It's a big commitment — and also a joy! This year, we have three amazing candidates whose meaningful presence has deeply blessed our church.
Vestry members serve for three year terms, but our bylaws allow a maximum of four years of consecutive service (this happens occasionally for various reasons, most often when a Vestry member is elected to a one-year term for someone who has resigned early). This year, we have two open seats for three-year terms as Kaitlin Conway and Grant Sung complete their service.
Kaitlin resigned her term in June in preparation for her upcoming wedding, and her seat has remained empty this summer and will be filled by this election in accordance with our bylaws. Grant served a one-year term to fulfill the term left by a previous member who resigned a year early in order to move overseas. Per our bylaws, he is eligible to stand for re-election, and has prayerfully chosen to do so. Please see Amy's note below his bio!
If you are a member of Incarnation, please read each bio of our candidates and prayerfully consider who the Lord is guiding into this significant parish role. We will open electronic voting in two weeks on Saturday, October 12, and all members will receive an email with voting instructions.
Elena Benning

I feel eternally grateful to say I embody the prayer we say for our children, "that they may never know a day apart from You." My father and grandfather were both pastors and I was raised in Navy chapels surrounded by beautiful believers from different protestant denominations all worshiping together. I have always known about Jesus, and he has followed me throughout my life, always pulling me back to him when I had times of doubt or avoidance of him.
When I began working as a nurse and caring for people on the worst days of their lives, I had my most severe crisis of faith. Jesus brought me back to him, teaching me to trust him and believe that I only see a small piece of the puzzle of the world, and he is caring for his works of art despite what we may think. Since then I have given up trying to have the answers and tried to walk in faith in the mystery of Christ toward the day that I'll die and be with him.
My family happened upon Incarnation in 2020 at the invitation of the Odeans. A church meeting outdoors felt safe for our kiddo, so we went for a random Sunday. We were so annoyed by how much we loved the congregation, and have been driving to Arlington from Maryland ever since. What a joy you all are in our lives, and I hope to bring joy and love to each of you as well. My goal is to serve the church in the ways I can and support this beautiful, kind, full and fun congregation.
Katie Foran

I feel as though I've always known Jesus. From my earliest memories, I remember talking to God about pretty much anything that popped in my head. However, as the years went on, I stopped talking to God unless I absolutely had to. Usually, it was to confess some sin or RE-pray the sinner's prayer (my fellow ex-Baptists understand). It's taken years of my adult life to reclaim that more childlike way of communing with God. Expanding my faith practice to historical church rhythms like the Examen or simply following the liturgical calendar has helped reconnect the totality of myself – the good, beautiful, ugly, or wounded – to a more compassionate and present God.
I’ve been with Incarnation since the early days. My curiosity led me to join the female priest led small group. It just so happened that I had joined the Incarnation Church Plant small group! The rest, as they say, is history. During my time here, I've assisted in the many odds and ends needed for church planting - Tech & AV support, church van loading Tetris, hosting small groups, worship leading, etc.
I love that our church makes room for people at every stage of their faith journey. I believe Incarnation is a soft place to land for the tired ex-Baptists such as myself, and people wondering if Christianity really is Good News. I’m excited to see where this unique and much needed church gift will take us. Whether on Vestry or not, I’m committed to building a community that welcomes anyone looking for Jesus.
Grant Sung

Although I can point to a specific event during my college sophomore year when I became intellectually and spiritually alive to the historic, living, and personal Jesus, upon reflection it’s clear to me that he knew, cared for, and guided me from my very earliest days. I have benefited from sound bible-teaching in churches over many years, but I am especially grateful for God's refreshing – of my spiritual imagination, my hope in Christ, and my desire to serve – in which Incarnation Anglican Church has played a very significant role.
One of the best things about a young church is the opportunity to participate in so many ways! For me, that has included a one-year term on the Vestry, hosting IAC Men’s online and in-person meetings, hosting small groups, and Alpha course table-hosting. Other activities have included midday prayer, men’s weekly prayer, music team, retreat planning, the West Asia team, the canopy and facilities teams, youth lunches, and the hiking group to name a few!
I’m excited to see how God has grown the church – even through a pandemic – and how we have followed him to worship in so many places around South Arlington. And even though he brings our community together from all parts of the DMV, I believe that our name, “Incarnation,” continues to point us toward a calling to Embed ourselves and Embody God’s kingdom through worship, fellowship, presence, and partnership – being neighbors to our South Arlington neighbors. May we continue to follow him everywhere he leads!
Note from Amy: Grant's candidacy represents an unusual circumstance that I want to bring to your attention for the sake of transparency as you consider your vote. If elected, Grant will serve four consecutive years. Prior to his Vestry service, his wife Nancy served four consecutive years as a Vestry Warden. Together, they will have served eight consecutive years on the Vestry if Grant is elected. While permitted by our bylaws, this is an unusually long term of service by a single household, so I consulted our bishop for advice. He approved of Grant's candidacy under present circumstances (our church is experiencing growth and transition, and Grant is not at risk of burnout) but advised making the situation known to the congregation — which is what this note is for! I am so thankful for Grant's faithful service as a Vestry Warden this year, and for the many ways he has served our church over the years.