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Looking back, looking forward
OUTREACH UPDATE Looking back Happy New Year's Eve! What a year we've been through together. As I look back, I am full of gratitude for...
Amy Rowe
Dec 31, 2020

God-With-Us for all people
OUTREACH UPDATE Christmas is next week, when we will celebrate the profound miracle of God-With-Us in the birth of Jesus. Our church...
Amy Rowe
Dec 17, 2020

Advent prayer walk for all people
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE This Sunday is the third week of Advent. It also happens to be the feast day of Saint Lucia, a young Christian...
Amy Rowe
Dec 9, 2020

Christmas Offering for RILA
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE Last weekend as we were making funeral preparations for our brother Eric, many of you were also out grocery...
Amy Rowe
Dec 3, 2020

Peace cranes for Advent
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE Advent is a traditional time of waiting and longing and hoping. Our Old Testament readings remind us how the...
Amy Rowe
Nov 25, 2020

Grocery collection: Nov 28-29
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE We are collecting groceries for asylum-seeking families through our friends at Restoration Immigration Legal Aid...
Amy Rowe
Nov 20, 2020

Travel to India and Nepal...virtually
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE If you've hung around Incarnation for very long, then you've probably noticed that we care a lot about justice....
Amy Rowe
Nov 12, 2020

Meet our neighbors at L'Arche
OUTREACH UPDATE L'Arche is an inclusive community of people with and without intellectual disabilities, with two homes right in our South...
Amy Rowe
Nov 5, 2020

Prayers for when there are no words
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE Yesterday I received an early morning text from a friend that simply read, "545 children." I didn't understand...
Amy Rowe
Oct 22, 2020

So grateful!
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE On Tuesday, we delivered bags of groceries and hygiene items to Restoration Immigration Legal Aid for distribution...
Amy Rowe
Oct 15, 2020

Meet the Matthew 25 Initiative
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE At Sunday's parish meeting, we talked about how your generosity throughout this crazy year has enabled us to give...
Amy Rowe
Oct 9, 2020

Help support RILA clients!
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE We are proud to support the work of Restoration Immigration Legal Aid (RILA) in providing free legal services to...
Amy Rowe
Oct 1, 2020

Katie Hamlin - postulant, soon to be deacon, reflects
One of our outreach priorities is "Evangelism and Church Planting: We value evangelism and church planting in the context of authentic...
Guest Post
Sep 23, 2020

Feeding neighbors
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE COVID-19 has created hunger and food insecurity in many communities. In Arlington, the greatest need has been...
Amy Rowe
Sep 17, 2020

When the world is burning
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE The pandemic season has been strangely marked by fire. When we first became aware of COVID-19, the devastating...
Amy Rowe
Sep 11, 2020

A litany for asylum seekers
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE I've been highlighting the work of our outreach partners over the past few weeks. This week features Restoration...
Amy Rowe
Sep 3, 2020

Bakers and gardeners, this one's for you
WEEKLY OUTREACH UPDATE I mentioned last week that I'd be profiling our outreach partners over the coming weeks, those organizations with...
Amy Rowe
Aug 27, 2020

Consistent generosity in inconsistent times
I saw this chronology on Instagram the other day and my response was somewhere between a laugh, a cry, and a tantrum. 2020 has been a...
Amy Rowe
Aug 20, 2020

Outreach this week: give to Beirut + meet one of our partners!
Note: We are beginning a new weekly rhythm of outreach blogs every Thursday! Read them all here. Last week, I wrote about sowing seeds in...
Amy Rowe
Aug 13, 2020

Beirut and Clover Seeds
Note: We are beginning a new rhythm of Thursday blog posts about outreach at Incarnation--hope you'll follow along! February 2, 1968 by...
Amy Rowe
Aug 6, 2020
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